The Triple Tripe Tastic chews are natural "Green beef Tripe", unbleached, untreated and not boiled. It's highly nutritious, containing plenty of enzymes, good bacteria, and nutrients that are excellent for your pet's health.
High in protein. 70% of this protein has 7 amino acids, which perform essential functions in your pet's body, including building muscle and enhancing all system functioning from immune response to tissue repair to urinary tract health.
Product Features:
- High in protein and 7 amino acids
- Contains natural enzymes
- Good calcium to phosphorus ratio
- Optimal ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6
- Nutritionally balanced
- Full of vitamins, minerals, protein, and healthy fats
- High in unsaturated fats
- Great for oral health
- Aids the digestive process
- A natural teeth cleaner.